Advanced Human Resource Management Practices

  • 12
  • This course focuses on the practical aspects of strategic management of human resources, highlighting the management of talent as a reference methodology for the enhancement of people in organizations and the realization of their full potential.

    Throughout the semester, the UC aims to achieve its pedagogical objectives through the articulation between the participation and guests of reference from the organisational world and the realisation of a project for the implementation of a 360 strategy in an organisation.  By creating a phitical but credible organisation, the students will have the opportunity to simulate all the main activities of a human resources department, constituting a portfolio of good practices in HRM.


  • Semestral
  • CP1.The evolution of work and talent management.

    CP2. Attracting talent:

    1. Planning and design of talent attraction programs:
    2. Theoretical and practical perspectives of talent selection;

    CP3. Talent retention policies and practices:

    1. Socialization and management through culture:
    2. Design and implementation of performance management: phases and different methods, evaluation of efficiency and effectiveness, relationship with potential management, vectors of evolution;
    3. Career management: current challenges and relationship with other HR Systems;
    4. Reward management: components, coherence, individual and organizational impact;


    CP4. The interconnection between human resource management practices and the dynamics of organizational communication, motivation, satisfaction and quality of life at work.

  • NULL VALUE ISMAT6349-23320
  • L01. Analyse and evaluate critical aspects of an effective talent management practice.

    L02. To know how to design and to develop integrated strategies of management of talents.

    L03. ldentify the specificities and to manage in a professional way the practices of recruitment, selection and socialization, of performance management and development of potential, careers and rewards.

    L04. To evaluate programs of attraction and retention of talents with support of long term organizational performance.


  • Mandatory
  • Critical thinking

  • NULL VALUE ISMAT6349-23320
  • Português
  • Não
  • Berger, L. A.,& Berger, D. (2017). The Talent Management Handbook: Making Culture a Competitive Advantage by Acquiring, Identifying, Developing, and Promoting the Best People. McGraw Hill Professional.

    • Cappelli, P.,& Keller, J.R. (2014). Talent management: Conceptual approaches and practical

    challenges. Annu. Rev. Organ. Psychol. Organ. Behav., 1(1), 305-331.

    • Collings, D. G., Vaiman, V., & Scullion, H. (2022). Talent Management: A Decade of Developments. Emerald Publishing Limited.
    • Casciio,F. (2014) Gestao de competencias, do conhecimento e do talento: 0 estado da arte da teoria e as melhores praticas na gestilo das pessoas. Lisboa: EdicOes snabo.
    • Kaliannan, M., Darmalinggam, D.,Dorasamy, M., & Abraham, M. (2022). Inclusive talent

    development as a key talent management approach: A systematic literature review. Human Resource Management Review, 33(1) 100926.


  • 0
  • 6
  • NULL VALUE ISMAT6349-23320
  • 1
  • ISMAT6349-23320
  • Advanced Human Resource Management Practices
  • 23320
  • 6349
  • Human Resources Management and Organisational Intervention
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