Change Management in Intercultural Contexts

  • 12
  • At the UC, professionals from companies will be invited to, in class, share real work experiences regarding change in multicultural contexts, highlighting good and bad practices and their impacts on the organizations.

  • Semestral
  • S1. Innovation and Change Management in Intercultural Contexts

    1.1 Globalization: from local to global - organizations in a changing world

    1.2 Evolution of work and multicultural teams

    1.3 The role of innovation and change

    S2. Theoretical Models on Innovation and Change

    2.1 Creativity v.s. innovation v.s. organizational change

    2.2 Innovation factors and models

    2.3 Factors and models of organizational change

    S3.Innovation Processes

    3.1 Typologies and main stages of an innovation process

    3.2 R&D activities, innovation networks

    3.2 Culture and creation of innovative organizations

    S4. Implementation of Change

    2.1 Planning for an effective change

    2.2 Knowledge management and organizational learning

    2.3 The mindset of organizational change and its management

    2.4 Development of intercultural and change skills

  • NULL VALUE ISMAT6349-23322
  • LO1. Identify the main variables related to different models of innovation and change;

    LO2. Recognize the psychosocial processes identified as promoting factors or obstacles to the processes of organizational innovation and change;

    LO3. Explain the main differences in innovation and change processes according to different intercultural contexts;

    LO4. Planning a process of implementation of innovation and organizational change in interculktrual contexts.

  • Mandatory
  • Problem solving

  • NULL VALUE ISMAT6349-23322
  • Português
  • Não
  • Archibald, R. D.,& Archibald, S. C. (2016). Leading and managing innovation: what every executive team must know about project, program and portfolio management. CRC Press

    Dodgson, M, & Gann, D. (2018). Innovation: a very short introduction. Oxford University Press.

    Gibbons, P. (2019). The Science of Organizational Change: How Leaders Set Strategy, Change Behavior, and Create an Agile Culture. Phronesis Media.

    Savolainen, T. (2013). Change Implementation in Intercultural Context: A Case Study of Creating Readiness to Change. Journal of Global Business Issues, 7(2), 51-58


  • 0
  • 6
  • NULL VALUE ISMAT6349-23322
  • 1
  • ISMAT6349-23322
  • Change Management in Intercultural Contexts
  • 23322
  • 6349
  • Human Resources Management and Organisational Intervention
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