Human Resources Management

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  • This course provides knowledge of the basics of Human Resources Management (HRM) and how it has evolved. It is intended that students know and acquire skills in some dimensions that influence organizational behaviour as well as human resource management policies and techniques in contemporary tourism organizations. The increasing importance of HRM in the different types of tourist organizations is shown and how this contributes towards efficiency in management and builds upon the knowledge of this subject through the exchange of experiences.

  • Semestral
  • S1 - The context of the human resource function within the organization's overall

    • The organization and function of human resources 
    • The Organizational culture and human resource management
    • The historical evolution of human resource management 
    • The human resources function 

    S2 - Major processes and techniques of human resource management 

    S3 - Planning the needs of human resources 

    S4 - Processes and techniques of people management 

    • Description and analysis functions 
    • Recruitment and selection of people 
    • Reception, integration and socialization of employee
    • Assessment of competence 
    • Planning careers 
    • Performance management and management tools
    • Wage policy and evaluation of human resources
  • NULL VALUE ISMAT6029-523
  • The main objective of this curricular unit is to understand the key processes and techniques of human resources, which provides students, on the one hand, an overview of what the human capital of organizations must be and on the other ensures the same companies a theoretical and
    practical knowledge and technical-scientific management of people as individuals, constituting itself as an introductory course to the various themes of human resource management. It is intended that students acquire essential knowledge to have an integrated and dynamic vision of  
    people management and technical assistance in this area. At the end of the semester, the students should be able to:

    • LG1 - Identify the context of the human resources function within the global enterprise;
    • LG2 - Compare the processes and techniques relating to the strategic management of human resources;
    • LG3 - List the main processes and techniques of managing people.
  • Mandatory
  • Classes are of theoretical and practical nature, with exposure and systematic discussion of the contents of the curricular unit. Students are encouraged during the lessons to debate issues presented with the use of a video projector, resolution of case studies and other support documents in order to achieve the objectives of the curriculum.

  • NULL VALUE ISMAT6029-523
  • Português
  • Não
    • Ceitil, M. (2016). Gestão e Desenvolvimento de Competências, 2ª ed. Edições Sílabo.
    • Chiavenato, I. (2021). Administração de Recursos Humanos – Gestão Humana (9ª ed.). Editora Atlas. ISBN: 9788597024555
    • Dessler, G. (2013). Administração de Recursos Humanos (2ª ed.).  Pearson: Prentice Hall (Tradução)
    • Machado, A. R., Machado, D. & Portugal, M. N. (2014). Organizações: Introdução à Gestão e Desenvolvimento de Pessoas. Escolar Editora. ISBN: 978-972-592-414-3.
    • Machado, A. R., Horta, C., Rodrigues, F., Cesário, F., Moço, I. Dias, I. ... Miranda, S. (2014). Gestão de Recursos Humanos: Desafios da Globalização (Vol. 4). Escolar Editora. ISBN: 978-972-592-428-0.
    • Portugal, M. N. A. F. B. (2021). Turnover e Intenções de Ficar no Sector da Hotelaria (Tese Doutoramento), Universidade Europeia
    • Torrington, D., Hall, L., Taylor, S. & Atkinson, C. (2014). Fundamentals of Human Resource Management (9ª ed.). Harlow: Pearson Education Limited


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  • 5
  • NULL VALUE ISMAT6029-523
  • 2
  • ISMAT6029-523
  • Human Resources Management
  • 523
  • 6029
  • Tourism Management
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