Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Tourism

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  • In the context of the degrees covered by this curricular unit, the main aim of this UC is to equip students with the knowledge and importance of entrepreneurship in the social and business context, namely its understanding and that of Business Management in a global way and its importance in organizational contexts, at an economic, social and political level in environments of institutional and organizational change, as well as its role in the areas of Social Responsibility and Sustainability.

  • Semestral
  • S1 - Historical Evolution of the Concept 

    S2 - Creativity and Innovation 

    S3 - Entrepreneurship Forms: Intrapreneurship, Startup and Social

    S4 - The Entrepreneur: Characteristics and Motivations 

    S5 - The need for innovation in the global market 

    S6 - From idea to business - The golden circle 

    S7 - From the conceptualization to the materialization of the idea

    S8 - The importance of the brand in entrepreneurial business

  • NULL VALUE ISMAT6029-21638
  • LG1 - The importance of Entrepreneurship in the business context.  
    LG2 - Distinguish the different types of entrepreneurships. 
    LG3 - Know the distinctive characteristics of the entrepreneur and his/her role in the creation of the organizational culture. 
    LG4 - Identify the stages of the creative process in entrepreneurship; idea - opportunity - business.  LG5 - Initial steps for the creation of a business/product: Creative process, Conceptualization of the idea and Materialization of the idea.

  • Mandatory
  • The sessions will be a combination of theoretical and practical classes, with a strong active practice component.

  • NULL VALUE ISMAT6029-21638
  • Português
  • Não
    • Brochado, Ana. et. al. (2013). Gestão e Estratégia - Desafios da Globalização. Lisboa: Escolar Editora (ISBN: 978-972-592-382-5).
    • Carvalhinho, L. & Pereira, E. (2023). Desporto, Natureza e Turismo – Tendências, Inovação e Sustentabilidade. Quântica Editora. ISBN: 9789899177161
    • Correia, A., Lopes, J. D. & Portugal, M. (Eds.), International Case Studies in Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Tourism. Routledge. ISBN: 9781032487953
    • Portugal, M. N. (2017). Empreendedorismo - Gestão Estratégica (2ª Edição). Lisboa: Escolar Editora (ISBN: 978-972-592-520-1)
    • Sarkar, Soumodip. (2014). Empreendedorismo e Inovação. Lisboa: Escolar Editora - 2ª Edição (ISBN: 978-972-592-406-8)
    • Siqueira, K. S. (2022). Turismo, Gastronomia e Inovação – Uma receita de sucesso.. DOI: 10.37885/220609221


  • 0
  • 5
  • NULL VALUE ISMAT6029-21638
  • 3
  • ISMAT6029-21638
  • Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Tourism
  • 21638
  • 6029
  • Tourism Management
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