Introduction to Tourism and Hospitality Business

  • 12
  • This course allows the characterization of the protagonists of the tourism business, identifying their relevance and functions in the context of its system and projecting its evolution and incidence, particularly in the face of new technologies.

  • Semestral
  • S1. The tourism system in the perspective of tourism business management: Protagonists; System dimensions; Core business relationships.
    S2. The tourist distribution: Concept; Travel agencies.
    S3. Accommodation as a component of the tourism product: Accommodation establishments; Classifications, characteristics, and modalities of stay; Relations between accommodation companies and travel agencies and tour operators; Major providers of accommodation; Types of tariffs and conditions of application; Hotel chains.
    S4. Transport as a component of the tourism product: Regular air transport; Ground transportation; Shipping.
    S5. Other tourist services and information.
    S6. The commercialization of tourist services. Basic notions and concepts

  • NULL VALUE ISMAT6029-21618
  • This course allows the characterization of the protagonists of the tourism business, identifying their relevance and functions in the context of its system and projecting its evolution and incidence, particularly in the face of new technologies.
    LG1. To know and characterize the protagonists of tourism businesses, identifying their relevance and functions in the context of their system and projecting their evolution and incidence, especially in relation to new technologies.
    LG2. To analyze the commercial, operative, and contractual relations of the different protagonists of the tourist businesses.
    LG3. To carry out basic operations of commercialization of tourist services.

  • Mandatory
  • Teaching methodology: expository Method, and active questioning.

  • NULL VALUE ISMAT6029-21618
  • Português
  • Não
    • Abranja,N., Almeida, A. Almeida M. (2020). Gestão Hoteleira – O Produto, o serviço e as técnicas. Lidel (ISBN: 9789897525100)
    • Cook, R. A., Hsu, C. H., & Taylor, L. L. (2018). Tourism: The business of hospitality and travel (Vol. 6). New York: Pearson.
    • Costa, R. (2012). Introdução à Gestão Hoteleira. Lisboa: Lidel.
    • Cunha, L. & Abrantes, A. (2019). Introdução ao Turismo. 6a edição. Lisboa: Lidel.
    • DOMINGUES, C. (2013). Prontuário Turístico. Estoril: ESHTE.
    • Holloway, J. C. & Humphreys, C. (2022). The Business of Tourism. SAGE Publication. ISBN: 9781529794434.
    • Slocum, S. L., Aidoo, A. & Mcmahon, K. (2020). The Business of Sustainable Tourism Development and Management. Routledge. ISBN: 9781138492165
    • Walker, J. R. (2021). Introduction to hospitality. Pearson


  • 0
  • 5
  • NULL VALUE ISMAT6029-21618
  • 1
  • ISMAT6029-21618
  • Introduction to Tourism and Hospitality Business
  • 21618
  • 6029
  • Tourism Management
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