Leadership, Conflict Management and Negotiation

  • 12
  • 1. The Curricular Unit of Leadership, Conflict Management and Negotiation, is suitable in its content programming for a second cycle course, with practical characteristics and organizational intervention.

    2. It will be supported by General Concepts and Applied Concepts, in the first ones we will have the organizational culture, Leadership and Strategy, in the second the application of leadership characteristics and management skills.

    3. Its relevance in the study cycle is situated at the level of preparation for organizational intervention and in the complement of skills for the development of a final research/action work.

    4. This is a curricular unit that aims to provide students with skills in terms of leadership, conflict management and negotiation in organizations, as well as techniques and actions aimed at boosting and managing work teams to achieve high levels of performance.

  • Semestral
  • S1. Leadership: Evolution and approaches; Present challenges: Followership, Transformational and Mindful Leadership, and Organizational Happiness.
    S2. Organizational Conflict Management; Present challenges: Multigenerationality, virtual teams and implementing CMS?s [Conflict Management Systems]
    S3. Negotiation techniques and Strategies; Present challenges: Multiculturality, Ethical Negotiation and Sustainable negotiations.
    S4. Coaching and the Leader-Coach profile: Integrating leadership, negotiation and conflict management in futureoriented organizations.

  • NULL VALUE ISMAT6349-11573
  • LO1. Differentiate leadership styles and their organizational context
    LO2. Identify key elements of organizational conflict management
    LO3. Analyze the inherent components of different trading strategies
    LO4. Relate different negotiation strategies, leadership styles and conflicts trough the lenses of coaching

  • Mandatory
  • Active methods: a) case studies and group discussions, enabling the training of skills of critical analysis and problematization of real-life situations and consequent search and design of creative solutions; b)b) carrying out, presenting and defending practical work in context and business reality, to identify opportunities for improvement and proposals for intervention; c) Project-Based Learning: team project involving a case study of a real leader or organization, its leadership styles, negotiation and conflict management. Expositive and interrogative methods, for the presentation of basic theoretical frameworks and acquisition of skills to identify key issues in this scientific area.

  • NULL VALUE ISMAT6349-11573
  • Português
  • Não
  • Daost, P . (2020). Conflict at Work: A toolkit for managing emotions for successful results. MapleWheat Pub.

    De Cremer, D., & Pillutla, M.(2012). Making negotiations predictable: what science tells us?.Palgrave

    Macmillan. G. A (2015). The world of negotiation:Theories, perceptions and practice. World Scientific.

    Goodell,T. (2020).The four fields of leadership: People and organizations in a hyper-connected World.
    Rowman & Littlefield.

    Harvard Business Review (2016). Leading virtual teams. HBR Press.

    Winkler,K., & Bramwell,N. (2020). Connectedness: Leadership for a changing world. Linchpin Books.

    Jull,L. (2018). Organizational Happiness. Clearsight Pub.

    Naude,J., & Plessier, F.(2014).Becoming a leader-coach. Center for Creative Leadership.

  • 0
  • 6
  • NULL VALUE ISMAT6349-11573
  • 1
  • ISMAT6349-11573
  • Leadership, Conflict Management and Negotiation
  • 11573
  • 6349
  • Human Resources Management and Organisational Intervention
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